Black and white drawing of a wolf


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After the tragic death of the queen, the king of Aethera enters a state of paranoia and sees conspirators everywhere. Even in the crowned prince who he believes is planning to kill him. Fearing for his life, the prince is forced to flee the kingdom, and a big bounty is set to whoever is able to bring him to the king, dead or alive.

Months pass without anyone hearing a word about the prince while the kingdom and the king's mental state deteriorate. Many mercenaries are seeking any clue that may lead them to the lost prince who they mockingly call “the white stag” for how difficult it is to find and the prize he represents.

Meanwhile, a group of rogue royal guards set out on a mission to find him so they can protect him and bring him safely back to take his father's crown and free the kingdom from his madness.

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One day, Nathaniel, the youngest of the group, encounters a beggar at the side of the road who he befriends. After a few days, he invites him to dine with the rest of the group. Unaware that the beggar is the prince who has tried to keep a low profile all this time.

The prince agrees to go with him thinking that Nathaniel is only a kind traveler. But when he arrives at the guards camp, one of the officers recognises him which makes the prince believe it was a set up and flees. Nathaniel blames himself for this and tries his best to find him again with no avail. Later that night, the group learns two mercenaries had followed them into the city.

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Day after day all their attempts to find the prince or the mercenaries fail. In a moment of desperation Nathaniel turns to dark magic to find a lead into the prince's whereabouts. A sorcerer sells him a strange bottle with the promise that it will help him find his lost person and give him the ability to protect them.

Without thinking, Nathaniel takes it. Immediately a sharp pain strikes him while his body starts to transform into one of a big black wolf. While his senses sharpen, he feels his mind slip away the more time passes.

Now the hunt begins. In a time race against the mercenaries and his own self, Nathaniel must learn to understand this new part of himself if he wants to save the prince.

Black and white drawing of a wolf


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After the tragic death of the queen, the king of Aethera enters a state of paranoia and sees conspirators everywhere. Even in the crowned prince who he believes is planning to kill him. Fearing for his life, the prince is forced to flee the kingdom, and a big bounty is set to whoever is able to bring him to the king, dead or alive.

Months pass without anyone hearing a word about the prince while the kingdom and the king's mental state deteriorate. Many mercenaries are seeking any clue that may lead them to the lost prince who they mockingly call “the white stag” for how difficult it is to find and the prize he represents.

Meanwhile, a group of rogue royal guards set out on a mission to find him so they can protect him and bring him safely back to take his father's crown and free the kingdom from his madness.

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One day, Nathaniel, the youngest of the group, encounters a beggar at the side of the road who he befriends. After a few days, he invites him to dine with the rest of the group. Unaware that the beggar is the prince who has tried to keep a low profile all this time.

The prince agrees to go with him thinking that Nathaniel is only a kind traveler. But when he arrives at the guards camp, one of the officers recognises him which makes the prince believe it was a set up and flees. Nathaniel blames himself for this and tries his best to find him again with no avail. Later that night, the group learns two mercenaries had followed them into the city.

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Day after day all their attempts to find the prince or the mercenaries fail. In a moment of desperation Nathaniel turns to dark magic to find a lead into the prince's whereabouts. A sorcerer sells him a strange bottle with the promise that it will help him find his lost person and give him the ability to protect them.

Without thinking, Nathaniel takes it. Immediately a sharp pain strikes him while his body starts to transform into one of a big black wolf. While his senses sharpen, he feels his mind slip away the more time passes.

Now the hunt begins. In a time race against the mercenaries and his own self, Nathaniel must learn to understand this new part of himself if he wants to save the prince.