Meet the crew of the USS Curiosity lead by Captain Mercurio and First Officer Byte as they travel through space on their science and exploration mission.



Top and side views of the USS Curiosity




The starship U.S.S Curiosity is in a continuing scientific and exploration mission with the main objective of mapping and classifying unexplored planetary systems inside the deep space zones of the Beta Quadrant. In the hopes of discovering unrecorded M class planets, unknown life forms and stablishing first contact with new civilizations.


LAUNCH DATE JUNE 19, 2345 12:56:00 UTC


The officer's logs displayed here have been selected by the commanding officers of the USS Curiosity as they consider they contain significant information about their current assignment. The officers have also made available some of their personal logs with the goal of offering the reader context of the development of the mission.

If the reader requires access to aditional logs, please contact the Information Department of Starfleet or visit the library at Starfleet Academy.



Mercurio was created as a mascot for a group project when I was in my first year of college. He became my friends and I mascot for every group project we had to do together, back then he was only named Gatito Espacial.

After we graduated, I redesigned him to something more related to my current tastes which is Star Trek and gave him a friend: Byte. These two inspired me enough to not only create their character sheet, but also to do two full animations exploring their relationship. Though their world is similar to the one in Star Trek, I decided to make it is own universe so I can add and remove things as much as I want.

This project is just for fun. There are no plans on developing the world/story beyond what it is shown here.

First design vs Current design

Mercurio First Design

Year of design: 2019

Mercurio and Byte Design

Year of design: 2024


All the characters, illustrations and animations were created by me.

The page design elements of the LCARS Text Bars and colour palette were created by TheLCARS.com

Captain's log - Stardate
22620.8 Mercurio

Captain's log. Stardate 22620.8. While exploring the Boliaris system, we have discovered a planet that fits all the specifications of a class M. According to the ship sensors, it's Boliaris 4 which distance to its sun is similar to our own back on planet Earth. The crew and I are very excited to investigate.

When we approached it, we found out our sensors were having trouble scanning the planet's surface due to an interference in the its atmosphere. I have decided to land on the planet and investigate before sending our science officers there.

First Officer Byte has volunteered to accompany me. I know this is his first time visiting an unexplored planet and I'm very happy he has decided to come with me, specially since we know so little about what await us on the surface.

Captain's log - Stardate
22621.5 Mercurio

Captain's log. Stardate 22621.5. Our mission was successful, the only problem we encountered was keeping communications with the ship but our Engineering team is already working on a solution. We are already organising away teams for our science officers.

The crew's spirit seems high, and the reason why is obvious. Boliaris 4 is beautiful, full of vegetation. Our chief botanist seems really excited, and our science officer thinks we will also find new insect species.

Captain's personal log - Stardate
22621.5 Mercurio

Captain's personal log. Stardate 22621.5. This first planet seems perfect for our first science mission. When I felt the air of this new and unexplored planet in my face, I felt full of joy. I couldn't help but walk to the middle of the grass field where we landed and take a deep breath, to my first officer dismay. Luckily after a bit of convincing, he joined me. He later told me it was one of the most marvellous experiences he has had and I wholeheartedly agree with him.

First Officer's log - Stardate
22620.8 Byte

First Officer's log. Stardate 22620.8. We have located our first unexplored M class planet in the Boliaris system. It is the fourth planet in orbit of the Boliaris star. The scanners are having trouble reading its surface due to interference from the planet's atmosphere.

The Captain is planning to use one of the ship's shuttlecraft to visit the surface and ensure there is no danger before sending away teams to start science investigations on the planet. Though I am hesitant about exploring it with insufficient information, I have volunteered to accompany the Captain on the shuttlecraft.

First Officer's log - Stardate
22621.3 Byte

First Officer's log. Stardate 22621.3. The Captain and I landed on the planet without problem. The atmosphere interference did not affect the short-term sensors of the shuttlecraft, but we have problems maintaining communications with the ship.

The planet is rich in vegetal life, and there's evidence of pollination. Our science officer believes there must be at least insect species inhabiting the planet. The Captain and I did not stay long enough to verify this hypothesis.

First Officer's personal log - Stardate
22621.3 Byte

First Officer's personal log. Stardate 22621.3. Living among many life forms, specially my classmates in the Academy and my crewmates in the ships I have served, have taught how to use my sensors to understand and appreciate beauty. When the Captain and I first landed on the planet, I was hesitant of leaving the shuttlecraft even tough the readings showed the planet was safe for us to explore.

It was the Captain who took the initiative and stepped out of the shuttlecraft first. I stayed behind observing how he was walking away from our secure position. When he turned around and called my name, I knew I needed to take the risk. The reward of that decision was exceptional, we are about to explore one of the most beautiful planets I have visited. This first discovery makes me look forward to the future of our mission.